James Gordon, Jr. Fan Casting for Batman: The Joker's Revenge | myCast

Publish date: 2024-07-11

DC Elseworlds

by Warner Brothers and DC Studios

Story added by lordstarkiller on December 2, 2023

After Mr. Freeze went to Arkham Asylum willingly, Bruce Wayne learns of a horrific secret that nobody knew about for the longest time. Dexter Dent, Gotham's last District Attorney whom everyone believed to have been killed in the nuclear explosion in the city followed by a flood that granted Bruce a ticket to living in peace, was still alive. However, he is no longer the same man he once was. He has now taken Jack Napier's place as the Joker, and, alongside the supervillain known as "the Firefly" and an empire of criminals, rules over the neighbouring city of Bludhaven. Now, it is up to Batman and his companions to stop the former District...read more

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