Usher got a very detailed tattoo on the back of his head

Publish date: 2024-07-14


When last we discussed Usher, he was being sued by several people for spreading herpes through unprotected sex. In May, he settled with Laura Helms after trying to get her suit dismissed by blaming her for knowing that unprotected sex can be dangerous. Obviously, something like that is pretty hard to distract from but Usher sure tried. After sporting a new haircut that has his head shaved to up above his ears, Usher did this:

Man, that is a commitment. The artist is Dillion Forte of Sri Yanta Tattoo in Venice, California. So far, this Instagram shot is the only one I can find so I have no idea if there is any color to it or if it is just black ink. According to Dillion’s caption, a lot of time and thought went into this design:

I had the pleasure of tattooing the legend @usher @sriyantratattoo this piece was inspired by transformation, Sacred geometry and an ancient Berber talisman to mark the cardinal points in the sky and allow travelers to find their way across vast distances.✨ I’ve listened to @usher since I was about 11 years old so definitely an honor 🙏

Artistically speaking, I like the design. One thing that’s cool is that even if Usher grows his hair back, those lower chevrons will radiate from below his hairline and give off a whole other vibe. I love when a design works on several levels. I find sacred geometry really interesting so that part really appeals to me (In college, I took a legit math class based on sacred geometry patterns. It was my favorite math class ever). I know next to nothing about Berber talismans but visually they are beautiful. Usher is rumored to be working on new music – specially Confessions II, a follow up to his 2004 album, Confessions.



Photo credit: WENN Photos and Instagram
