Marissa Jaret Winokur on how she ate the candy she put out for her sons party

Publish date: 2024-07-08

Marissa Jaret Winokur is a former Tony-award winning Broadway star and was a contestant on Dancing With The Stars last year. Now she’s hosting a reality dance contest and weight loss competition on Oxygen called “Dance Your Ass Off.” Marissa has been blogging her “weight loss journey” on, and says her goal is pose in a bikini for People Magazine, but lately she’s been admitting her slip ups. Two weeks ago she confessed to raiding the minibar at her hotel, and now she admits that she put out bowls of candy for her son’s first birthday party about a week too soon – and then managed to eat a bunch of it.

I sit here Monday morning with my blog overdue. It was a bad week here, and I kept thinking about how I could spin it! This week was spent planning for Zev’s first birthday – it started off bad and then it turned into a disaster! Every day I literally said, “Okay, tomorrow I will get back on track.” But tomorrow never came!

I did the whole party myself. I had a lot of people offer to help but it really meant a lot to me to do it alone. I came up with a great idea: Instead of one piñata, I bought 10 and hung them all in one tree and put a table of candy underneath it! Like a fool, I set up the candy in huge vases to see what I needed a full week ahead of the party! It was like I had my own Temptation Island in my living room!!! It was horrible and I lost the game.

Because I had both my husband’s family and my family in town, there never was time to work out. NEVER. And we would eat out almost every meal! As the week progressed, it just got worse and worse till I finally just said, “Forget it – this week is a bust!”

By the time Zev’s birthday rolled around on Saturday, I was eating the chips and dip and didn’t care! If the birthday and all the guests weren’t enough stress, my sister is out of the country because she and her husband finally got the call that their adoption went through. So, Saturday night they met their new daughter and I was emailing her all night and eating Doritos for her and hoping everything was going as planned.

On Sunday, the madness continued as everyone came back over to the house to polish off the leftovers from Zev’s first fiesta (and not a healthy fiesta, either)! So, I now sit here on Monday morning with a total sugar hangover and I feel awful!

To be totally honest, all I want to do is sleep – I actually don’t WANT to work out. I feel horrible and scared to step on the scale. Life totally took over and if it weren’t for this blog, I would be wearing my PJs and staying in bed. BUT I am so thankful I have you guys to push me out of the OMG-I-messed-up-big-time funk and I promise myself and you to fix it this week. I still don’t want to work out but I will make myself. The sickest part is the leftover candy is still in my living room!!! OMG, I NEED AN INTERVENTION, FAST … or just a big garbage bag 😉


I can relate to feeling bad for cheating on your diet. Marissa probably feels an obligation to be honest to the readers, but I hate to see her beat up on herself and I don’t think she’s helping herself with this confession. No one is superhuman and many of us cannot resist it when junk food is around the house. The thing that bugs me the most about this story is that she says she still has the damn candy in her living room! Throw that sh*t out! I think that if you have some junk food in your house and know you don’t have the willpower to resist – you should toss it! There’s no reason to keep stuff around you know you shouldn’t eat and then blame yourself when you chow down. It’s only human to give in. It’s also foolish to declare the week a wash and decide to keep eating whatever you want because you slipped up – there’s always room to change and every little bit counts. I understand what she’s going through and a lot of us fall into these traps of thinking that we may as well continue to eat junk because we screwed up. There are hundreds if not thousands of calories in that junk, and you’re only making it worse by thinking that way. Give your friend the key to the minibar, give the candy away if you can’t stand to throw it out, but don’t keep that stuff around or worse think that you may as well finish it and start over next week or next month.

One year old kids do not need a ton of candy for a birthday party. Give them a cake and some small snacks and they’re fine. Kids don’t need chips and dip and lots of junk either, especially if you find it tempting. If you have stuff for a party, put it aside in a place where you won’t see it all day. She knew better, and she admits as much.

Hang in there, Marissa, and next week I want to hear that you’re feeling better about yourself and getting your family to eat healthy. Don’t focus too much on the negative thinking you’ll berate yourself into changing.

Marissa Jaret Winokur is shown with her family on 5/3/09. She’s also shown on 6/28 (multi-colored dress) and 6/29/09. Credit:
