A Lil Positivity Out There : Get That Money, Banned Ghanaian Actress Yvonne Nelson Launches La

Publish date: 2024-07-27


Banned Ghanian Actress Yvonne Nelson isn’t letting her ban (which according to an interview with nigeriafilms.com she isn’t aware of) slow her down…the enterprising young lady is chasing mogul status by launching her very own Lace Wig (Hair) Line.

Hmmm…Lace Wigs are a mess. Except you have a hair stylist on standby 24/7 they never look cute! 9 times out of 10 when I’ve seen them on regular females it looks MAD obvious they’ve got hair glued to their hairline.

On the promo poster for Yvonne’s hairline it says the hair is 100% human hair…translation some righteous souls in India have shaved off all their hair and donated them to temple or worse gotten kidnapped & had the hair off their heads stolen!

I watched an interview a while back which focused on the dark side of sourcing human hair in India, a lot of young women in rural areas are now being kidnapped for their hair…

In addition to the hair venture Yvonne has also released a new set of promotional images.Her ban is over sometime this year so I’m guessing she’s readying herself to return to the career that made her a household name in Ghana with a bang.



I think Yvonne is a hot chick and she looks super fab in these photos. I believe I just may have gone against GC policy of calling her confused all the time…I hope I still have a job after this…LOL

So ladies (and some guys 😉 will you be patronising Yvonne’s wig line?


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